Protein-How much do you need & how to add it into your diet!

For weight loss your protein goal should be .8-1 x your GOAL body weight. Example: If your goal body weight is 150lbs. 150x.8=120 grams of protein per day.

For weight gain or muscle gain your protein goal should be 1.2-2 x current body weight. Example: If you weigh 170 pounds. 170x1.5+255 grams of protein.

How to break down the protein through the day:

Example is for someone who their goal body weight is 150 (weight-loss). As shown above, this persons protein goal would be 110-130 grams of protein per day.

  1. Can break up day into 4 meals. 4 meals containing 30 grams of protein. Breakfast 30g protein, Lunch 30g protein, Lunch 2 30g protein, Dinner 30g protein

  2. Can break up day into 5 meals (3 meals and 2 snacks): Breakfast 30g protein, Snack 15g protein, Lunch 30g protein, Snack 15g protein, Dinner 30g protein. EXAMPLE Day of Eating

List of foods that contain high protein:

Animal Protein: Chicken, Turkey, Beef, Lamb, Pork, Fish, Shrimp, Eggs, Yogurt, Milk, Cottage Cheese, Beef Jerky

Plant Protein: Beans, Lentils, Chickpeas, Edamame, Tofu, Tempeh, Soy “Meatless Product”

Other Protein Sources: Protein Shakes & Protein Bars

30g of Protein Cheat Sheet:

  • 5 Whole Eggs

  • 5oz Wild Caught Salmon

  • 5oz Chicken Breast

  • 6oz Chicken Thigh

  • 5oz Grass-fed Ribeye

  • 5oz Wild Caught Shrimp

  • 1 1/2 cups of Greek Yogurt

  • 1 cup Cottage Cheese

  • 4.7oz Tempeh


Easy Lunch/Dinner Ideas


More Tips on Protein